An Op-Ed from a fully vaccinated Australian writer

May 2022

“If Covid was a battlefield it would still be warm with the bodies of the unvaccinated. Thankfully the mandates are letting up and both sides of the war stumble back to the new normal. The unvaccinated are the heroes of the last two years as they allowed us all to have a control group in the great experiment and highlight the shortcoming of the Covid vaccines. The unvaccinated carry many battle scars and injuries as they are the people we tried to mentally break, yet no one wants to talk about what we did to them and what they forced “The Science“  to unveil.  We knew that the waning immunity of the fully vaccinated had the same risk profile as others within society as the minority of the unvaccinated, yet we marked them for special persecution. You see we said they had not “done the right thing for the greater good” by handing their bodies and medical autonomy over to the State. Many of the so-called health experts and political leaders in Australia admitted the goal was to make life almost unlivable for the unvaccinated, which was multiplied many times by the collective mob, with the fight taken into workplaces, friendships, and family gatherings. Today the hard truth is none of it was justified as we took a quick slide from righteousness to absolute cruelty. We might lay the blame on our leaders and health experts for the push but each individual within society must be held accountable for stepping into the well-laid-out trap. We did this despite knowing full well that principled opposition is priceless when it comes to what goes inside our bodies and we let ourselves be tricked into believing that going into another ineffective lockdown would be the fault of the unvaccinated and not the fault of the toxic policy of ineffective vaccines. We took pleasure in scapegoating the unvaccinated because after months of engineered lockdowns by political leaders blinded by power, having someone to blame and to burn at the stake felt good. We believed we had logic, love, and truth on our side so it was easy to wish death upon the unvaccinated. Those of us who ridiculed and mocked the non-compliant did it because we were embarrassed by their courage and principles and didn’t think the unvaccinated would make it through unbroken and we turned the holdouts into punching bags. Lambie, Carr, Chant, Andrews, McGowan, Gunner, and the other cast of hundreds in prominent roles need to be held to account for vilifying the unvaccinated in public and fueling angry social media mobs. The mobs, the mask Nazis, and the vaccine disciples have been embarrassed by “betting against” the unvaccinated because mandates only had the power we gave them. It was not compliance that ended domination by Big Pharma Companies, Bill Gates and his many organizations, and the World Economic Forum… It was THANKS to the people we tried to embarrass, ridicule, mock and tear down. We should all try and find some inner gratitude for the unvaccinated as we took the bait by hating them because their perseverance and courage bought us the time to see we were wrong. So if mandates ever return for Covid or any other disease or virus, hopefully, more of us will be awake and see the rising authoritarianism that has no concern for our well-being and is more about power and control. The War on the Unvaccinated was lost and we should all be very thankful for that.”

Hormones | Inflammation | MS

Stories of Hope!
Let’s Chat!

Look what Laura has to say…
HOLY 🐄!!!! I mean, it’s okay! I legitimately said it myself.
I cannot believe (now) how miserable I was back then…
SO bloated and swollen. PUFFY (🤫). Mood swings alllll over the place. Zero (natural) energy. Surviving on 3-5 coffees a day PACKED with Splenda. Underlying symptoms of my undiagnosed #MS, just WAITING to go off… 🌋
It’s obvious here just how much tackling my gut health, balancing my hormones, and CRUSHING my inflammation….SAVED MY LIFE.
Gut health matters. 
Drinking (at least) half your body weight in ounces of water a day MATTERS. 
Exercise MATTERS. 
Oh, and guess what?
You matter too.❤️ And if I can do this, and stay consistent with it, so can you!

Energy / Thyroid Cancer/ Brain Fog

Stories of Hope
Let’s chat!

Leslie is the sweetest soul and her story is so wonderful to see. Whether you’re 6 or 60, you need root healing, too! It’s simple, clean, focuses on the right thing, and brings you around to being your best self!  
Leslie shares: “It is January 2017, and I am gaining a pound a week!! What??? Something was going on, but I didn’t know what. I needed a solution.  Age 60 was looming, and I thought my warranty had run out.  In the meanwhile, I’m walking two miles a day and eating only 1200 calories.  Still no change on the scale.  
Then, I was attacked – by my gallbladder.  It had to come out.  That attack lasted about eight hours and was equal to childbirth.  Gallbladder came out at the end of February.  This left me with some intestinal issues as my body got rid of the extra bile, but…
But back to the main story, You see more than 25 years ago, I had thyroid cancer. Scary words, right?  With thyroid cancer in the ‘80s they remove the thyroid and dosed you with radioactive iodine. So mine is completely gone…no cells at all. However, you need thyroid hormones to live, so I take medication (synthroid) for that. But the required substitute thyroid meds keeps me in a state of constant “brain fog,” losing hair, low energy, tummy issues, and easily gaining weight.
I wanted to have my brain back, wanted more energy, wanted to sleep all night, and now I had to stop gaining weight. What to do?  What to do?  Oh…there’s that Plexus person. Her stuff sounds good; I’m checking that out today!!!  It’s natural…oh…not just natural (because what in the world does that mean), but it’s made only from plants. Can’t get more natural than plants.
So my Hubs and I, (He has his own story with diabetes.) signed up for the Plexus products — mainly, the Triplex.  I felt fairly confident it wouldn’t work, but since I could get my money back … no problem.  (I had been reading about gut-health, and it made a lot of sense.) LO AND BEHOLD it worked. Not only did it stop the weight gain, but I started losing, too. Ever … so…slowly…but losing.  
Proud to be a loser (12 pounds and six months later), with lots of energy and getting my beauty sleep every night!  That’s right no naps anymore, positive outlook on life, little anxiety even with Hurricane Irma knocking at our door.”

Tourettes and ADHD

🐻 Calling ALL Momma bears 🐻
Plexus and it’s effect on ADHD and Tourettes

Kacee shares her son’s testimony…
“ProBio5 from Plexus has not only helped me clean my gut but it has also made a HUGE difference in my son’s life.
He was diagnosed with severe ADHD and mild Tourette syndrome while in the 3rd grade. We took him to one of the best neurologists in Memphis. He was put on several types of medication to help with the ADHD and these made the Tourette’s worse. In fact near the end of his 5th grade year he was on a new medication that made him twitch out of his chair.
I made a decision to take him off the meds .
We spent the next couple of years in and out of the principal’s office and school board. He was failing every class but because of very high test scores he was promoted to the next grade.
Then I read that Probio5 had been used to help a young man with ADHD and I started giving it to him.
Within 3 weeks we got a great report from his school. Still having issues with grades I doubled up on the Probio5 and started cutting down the amount of grains he was getting.
Now a year later he made honor roll for the 1st time since 3rd grade.”

A Doctor Finds Relief

From my friend Deborah!
Amazing! Tom and I hiked 3.5 miles of the Noses Creek loop before church this am! Last year, I would have been #hiking by myself 😞 since Toms #asthma had gotten so bad! Daily #steroids, nebulizer treatments, #allergy meds-all gone since getting our guts #healthy!
Even after being told by his primary care physician AND his pulmonologist that his #asthma & #COPD would never #improve and gradually worsen! To see him this #active without #wheezing or #shortnessofbreath-even #runningwithout #symptoms- has turned me from #skeptic to #believer! 👍🏻Your #gut is responsible for over 70% of your #immunesystem
What’s getting #healthy worth to you? 💪🏻🏃🏻‍♂️🍀🌱

  • #allergies
  • #immunesystem
  • #guthealth
  • #candida


Stories of Hope
Let’s Chat!

A Plexus sister shares:
“About 16 months ago I was at my wits end. I was experiencing a lot of bloating, and tummy troubles, some anxiousness and was tired all the time. It seemed like no matter how hard I worked out or how healthy I ate, nothing helped. My sweet hubby recommended I come into his office for some blood work and an ultrasound. After the results were in he said he could put me on IBS and anxiety meds, but was reluctant because of the potential side effects. That’s when we started researching natural health alternatives and came across a company and products that gave us HOPE.
Both he and I started these plant base products a little over a year ago. I’m happy to report that I no longer deal with IBS or anxiety, and I have all day natural sustained energy that helps me be a better mom(my kids are thankful too.
My hubby? Well, he’s no longer lactose intolerant. These products have balanced our blood sugars and helped us have a healthier gut. It’s so simple. It’s God given plants. And it works.”

Addictions and Gut Health

Awesome Fact I learned about Plexus BLOCK and quitting smoking!! (Check out the comments for videos)
SUGAR in cigarettes?? 
I’ve been reading a lot of Plexus testimonies about people using our BLOCK to quit smoking, but wondered just how something that blocks your body from absorbing starch and sugar could help you quit smoking.
Well, now I know!! There is a TON of sugar in cigarettes!! 
Up to 1/2 a teaspoon in each cigarette!! Ever try to quit smoking and you snack and eat everything and gain weight, so you started smoking again?
It’s because your body CRAVES the sugar from the cigarette!! 
Who knew??
BLOCK prevents up to 48% of sugar from absorbing in your system, which helps you crave less. I know several people who have tried EVERYTHING to quit with no success, until they tried Plexus.
~ Isn’t this worth a try?? 

  •  If you can afford to smoke .. I promise .. you CAN afford to try Plexus BLOCK!
  • Nothing to lose, but the cigarettes!